The Altamira School is divided into subunits called “houses” and each student is allocated randomly, upon enrollment, to one of the houses. This system promotes a sense of group loyalty and collaboration, by promoting healthy competition activities that may vary between sports and academic. Once a student has been assigned to a House, all his or her younger brothers and sisters will be automatically assigned to that group when they join the school.
In the “System of Houses” of the Altamira, the students are divided into four groups, which are based on the four symbols of our shield: The torch (Leadership), the book (Knowledge), the family (Family Participation) and the flags (Intercultural Education). This program seeks to promote the integration of all students through teamwork by encouraging competition and a sense of belonging. This system also provides opportunities for students to discover their strengths and talents that might otherwise remain unknown.

EGETES - ηγέτης
Color: Green
Motto: Lead by example
Heroe: Gandhi
Characteristic: Leadership
Mascot: Iguana
Value: Service
Support: Eco-friendly

ΟΙΚΙΑ - οικογένεια
Color: Red
Motto: A family of winners
Heroe: Pelé
Characteristic: Family
Mascot: Panther
Value: Caring
Support: Sports

GNOSIS - γνώση
Color: Yellow
Motto: Be a life-long learner
Heroe: Leonardo Da Vinci
Characteristic: Knowledge
Mascot: Lion
Value: Honesty
Support: Academics

POLITEIA • Πολιτεία
Color: Blue
Motto: Proud of Legacy
Heroe: Nelson Mandela
Characteristic: Biculturism
Mascot: Eagle
Value: Respect
Support: Social