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Science Behind Living.

por | Dic 17, 2018 | Excellence, Science | 0 comments

 In a world where the desire to savor the joy of immediate gratification prevails, where the depersonalization of instant communication and the filters of social networks are the affective mediators of human relationships, human beings still have to make sense of everything that surrounds them. You must be able to interpret the reality in which the days are protected, that adapts to the personality and personality traits, that allow you to build your identity and relate in society with other human beings.

The need to answer questions about “how and why” has always characterized the intellectual activity of man and has been studied for many decades, giving way to what we know today as philosophy, which is nothing but the love of wisdom . But how to develop the love for the wisdom of the school? Our challenge today, as representatives of the academy, is to offer the student an environment of functional growth, attractive and promising, which allows him to position himself in the world and take the path of self-knowledge, the personal development of his abilities to generate impact. and meet the needs of their environment. We envision our students as human beings who must be prepared to take on the challenges of the 21st century, therefore we forge critical thinkers, who carry the spirit of initiative and tenacity. They see curiosity in the face of an unexpected problem, leading them to develop intellectual flexibility and creativity. This allows them to become active observers and agents of change, with great interest in the conservation of their environment, having confidence in themselves, being resistant, empathetic, oriented towards service and respect for dignity.

For this reason, betting on science education has become our most assertive option, since it has become an urgent factor in the personal and professional development of twenty-first-century students.

The National Science Education Standards, sponsored by the National Research Council (1996), stated: “In a world full of scientific research products, scientific literacy has become a necessity for all: we all need to use scientific information to choose resolved every day, we all must be able to participate in public discussions on important issues related to science and technology, and we all deserve to share the emotion and personal satisfaction that can produce the understanding of the natural world.

More recently, at the World Conference on Science for the 21st Century, sponsored by UNESCO and the International Council for Science, it was stated: “For a country to meet the fundamental needs of its population, the education of science and Technology is a strategic imperative As part of this scientific and technological education, students must learn to solve specific problems and meet the needs of society, using their scientific and technological skills and knowledge. ” He adds: “Today more than ever, it is necessary to promote and disseminate scientific literacy in all cultures and in all sectors of society, in order to improve the participation of citizens in decision-making on the application of new knowledge. “(Declaration of Budapest, 1999).

We bet on the acquisition of a methodology based on scientific research, on the recognition of our own limitations, on critical and reasonable judgment, and we believe that it should be included in each development project of each human being. We intend to collaborate in the training of a citizen who conceives the introduction of a scientific education as a key element of their cultural development, where they can make their own decisions, transform their conceptions and world views.

As Gil (1996) says: «The growing influence of science and technology, its contribution to the transformation of our conceptions and ways of life, forces us to consider future citizens to prepare them for the understanding of the world in which they live and for the world. necessary decision making ».

The learning of educational science can and should also be an empowering adventure of new experiences, new contexts, new spaces, new possibilities. The very part of being around science invites us to transcend our paradigms and participate in a fascinating tentative construction of solutions.

Then, there is a need to create spaces within the school context, such as the Science Fair, whose pedagogical initiative shows multiple scenarios in which participation, training, teaching and learning, encounters, discoveries and astonishment are generated. Reflection and discussion among students of all levels and modalities. Focused on the promotion of collaborative attitudes, this methodology allows participants to develop research, design and construction, and the diffusion skills necessary to foster curiosity, imagination and the exchange of experiences.

As a starting point, in this type of proposals for scientific development, students are encouraged to make an approximation to their near and distant reality, trying to interpret it using different categories of thought and, finally, generate an innovation plan in their solve the problem. The use of systematic methods and guidelines that science has validated as reliable, allows the student to become a trained and determined scientist to test their hypothesis.

Scientific meetings, innovation fairs, symposia, congresses and other scenarios dedicated to the development of science and technology become spaces for growth. They are based on educational practices and inclusive school experiences understood as the collective construction of socially relevant knowledge. (Meinardi and Revel, 1998. Educate in science). Beyond stimulating the dissemination of scientific-technological contents among the exhibitors and their role as researchers, science has opened the doors to a beautiful reality in which our students have begun to savor the honeys of triumph, deserving a strong applause, congratulations and a wide recognition from COLCIENCIAS and dependencies such as REDCOLSI Atlántico, Magdalena and Nariño.

Research work such as “Sometimes it is better not to leave a mark” on the impact of the carbon footprint on our planet, developed by Gabriela Benavides Villar and Mariangel Canabal Barrios, outstanding students of sixth grade, have placed us as an institution of excellence reference. In the processes of research and innovation at the national level.

It is our commitment to continue betting on the development of the integrality of our students from the unlimited possibilities offered by science, providing them with the necessary tools and support to become creators of constructs, prototypes and solutions that respond to demands. of a world where it is imperative to understand the science behind education.

“It is through love that we transcend and give meaning to our existence, we discover who we are thanks to the interaction with the other and we become human when we use our gifts to serve” I believe in Ubuntu as a philosophy of life and see mistakes as a valuable source of learning.


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