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Virtual education in Altamira: a positive experience for the family

In this time when humanity faces a situation of uncertainty and isolation in our homes is the best alternative to protect ourselves from the contagion of COVID19, the academic option of remote or virtual classes for our children and teenagers, constitutes a new challenge for all of us, teachers, students, and parents, we know we have to be resilients.

But beyond the good attitude and everything that this situation demands of us, I consider very positive that my daughter Juliana, not only has the commitment to attend Monday through Friday to virtual classes designed by Colegio Altamira, to the extent that her educational process is not interrumpted, but also these classes have become a useful resource, if wants a good excuse to reconnect with her classmates and teachers in an environment of affection and trust that inevitably encourages, especially in young people, values such as solidarity, discipline, creativity and joy…

Seeing my daughter waking up every morning to “attend” her school, to hear the laughter through the door of her room (product of the interaction that is generated in the virtual classroom between the children, which, wonderfuly, have codes of complicity that would make us envious), knowing that later she will have more things to do thanks to homework, is something that I appreciate every day.

Is incredible how in these crucial moments, technology contributes to strengthening ties of affection, to put knowledge in motion, and to take advantage of intelligently, a few hours that, in the absence of training activities for our children, would be empty: unproductive leisure and boredom.

For this reason, I encourage parents to embrace this new experience as something that will definitely make our children and teenagers more structured, strong, disciplined, organized, and focused on their goals. That sometimes it will be time to “fight” against laziness, yes; against complains, too; that we will have to be more present and follow up on tasks and evaluations … that is a fact. But learning is for everyone.

So I recommend organizing time at home, establishing commitments and verification forms, and of course, setting an example. If the children witness that their parents have established routines for teleworking and organizing the house, they will internalize and imitate those behaviors. Neither forget fun, family games, and all those activities linked to our passions, which generate lasting well-being.

For my part, it only remains for me to thank Colegio Altamira and its teaching staff for all the dedication and creativity they have put at the service of education, and for the benefit of our children. Teachers are anonymous heroes essential to society.
Patrizia de Jesús Castillo Torres
Juliana López Castillo’s Mom, Grade 9 B


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