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Socioemotional development and character strengths that develop in children through family relationships.

por | Mar 28, 2020 | Leadership, Social | 0 comments

Families: We are facing new challenges, hugging each other at home

day by day sharing the same space; creating new routines that combine the

work at home and family time, which are now intertwined …


This is why the group of psychologists from Altamira International School invites you to create and strengthen unique moments as a family, and thus in the face of new circumstances, “BRING TOGETHER YOUR HOME AGAIN” in order to highlight the abilities and strengths of each of the members of the same, enriching your identity as a family, fostering closeness and affectionate relationships, making each moment leave a significant mark on the memory of children.


And so create environments at home where calm, learning and affection are who lead the daily routine. Here are some experiences to strengthen family relationships in these times when we are closer together!


  • Ask questions and help them ask questions (they stimulate curiosity and critical thinking).
  • Give warm (or fun) greetings and farewells.
  • Laugh together.
  • Participate and help them learn through play.
  • Share and invite them to participate autonomously in basic daily activities such as bathing, dressing, helping to prepare food, eating, organizing the closet, sorting toys and more.
  • Listen to their ideas and help them build them.
  • Validate their feelings.
  • Encourage effort and perseverance.
  • Give them love and displays of affection.
  • Share activities and games with materials found in your home.
  • Provides support of all kinds: academic, emotional, psychological…

Wait. There is still MORE ….!

  • Let the child take the initiative.
  • Share personal stories and family anecdotes.
  • Listen to your favorite music and exercise your body.
  • Play on the ground.
  • Make eye contact and smile.
  • Let them know that you care about them learning, because you care about their development as a human being, about their security, creativity, empowerment, not about a result.
  • Show kindness and forgiveness.
  • Show that you know how to “have fun” with the games that the child enjoys.
  • Avoid sarcasm.
  • Don’t lose your temper. Never; and if you feel that this moment is near, take a distance and take a breath.
  • Help them design learning experiences that change their lives, contribute to open-mindedness, and embrace diversity.
  • Play with them, especially games that encourage teamwork.
  • Tell them a story before bedtime or at the most favorable moment, inviting them to reflect on characters, actions and / or morals.


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